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Suddenly getting parasites from harmful habits (06/28/2024)

A 38-year-old female patient in Ha Noi visited Medlatec General Hospital for a routine check-up and was unexpectedly found to have a parasitic infection requiring immediate treatment to prevent complications. Patients are often shocked to learn that such diseases can stem from daily habits that many people inadvertently maintain today.

   News - Events  -  Home  

The evolving complexity of malaria trends in the endemic region of Khanh Vinh district, Khanh Hoa province, 2023-2024 (Part 2) (08/17/2025)

These challenges have created a complex epidemiological landscape that threatens to reverse gains in malaria control and elimination in Khanh Hoa province. The outbreak not o­nly jeopardizes public health but also risks undermining the province's economic development and eco-tourism potential.

  The evolving complexity of malaria trends in the endemic region of Khanh Vinh district, Khanh Hoa province, 2023-2024 (Part 1) (08/16/2024)
  Viet Nam experiences surge in malaria cases in early 2024 (05/17/2024)
  Hue Central Hospital provides treatment for malaria patient back from Angola (03/14/2024)
  Conference on the summing-up of malaria control and elimination in Central Vietnam in 2023, and Announcement Ceremony of the decision on recognizing the achievement of malaria elimination criteria for Quang Ngai province (01/02/2024)
   News - Events  -  International  

Malaria vaccines: Advances and future directions (06/28/2024)

Malaria vaccine development began in the 1960s, with significant progress over the last decade. o­n October 6, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the RTS,S/AS01 (RTS,S) malaria vaccine for widespread use among children in sub-Saharan Africa and other high malaria transmission areas. In 2023, the WHO approved another vaccine, R21/Matrix-M, for malaria-endemic regions.

  World Mosquito Day 2023 - Theme, Importance, & Slogans (08/18/2023)
  'You get goosebumps from the data': hopes rise for new malaria vaccine (07/30/2022)
  Malaria in 2022: Increasing challenges, cautious optimism (06/30/2022)
  Ivermectin administration to livestock has greatest impact in West Africa (05/27/2019)
   News - Events  -  IMPE  

The collaborative mission between IMPE-QN and WHO investigates malaria situation in Khanh Hoa Province (06/12/2024)

On June 5-6, 2024, the joint working group from the Institute of Malariology, Parasitology, and Entomology Quy Nhon (IMPE-QN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) office in Viet Nam visited and worked at the Institute and local health units in Khanh Hoa Province. The purpose of these visits and meetings was to assess the malaria situation and discuss the most proactive malaria prevention activities amidst the increasing and fluctuating malaria cases in Khanh Vinh District, Khanh Hoa Province, which pose a risk of spreading to other provinces through malaria vectors and mobile populations.

  Passion of the female staff members of IMPE-QN about scientific research (10/26/2023)
  The collaborative mission between IMPE-QN and WHO investigates malaria situation in Gia Lai province (05/12/2023)
  Conference on summing-up of malaria control and elimination in Central Vietnam in 2022 and Ceremony to announce decision on recognizing achievement of malaria elimination criteria to Thua Thien Hue province (12/25/2022)
  IMPE-QN, Binh Dinh Department of Science and Technology and Binh Dinh Union of Science and Technology Associations promote technological and scientific cooperation in the province (03/11/2022)
   News - Events  -  Scientific research  

Mosquito dissection - a technique to determine the role of mosquitoes in transmitting malaria (Part 2) (02/19/2024)

The mosquito dissection technique can also determine the developmental stages of mosquitoes based o­n specific criteria when observing the egg strings. To determine these stages, it is crucial to identify the physiological condition of the collected female mosquitoes. Previously, the physiological condition of mosquitoes was determined using the sella index, ranging from sella I to sella VII.

  Mosquito dissection - a technique to determine the role of mosquitoes in transmitting malaria (Part 1) (12/29/2023)
  Assessment of malaria and parasitic diseases control in Central Vietnam in 2022 (02/20/2023)
  MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry identification of mosquitoes collected in Vietnam (03/25/2022)
  Some clinical manifestations and laboratory findings of human gigantica fascioliasis in pregnant women and children in central coastal provinces, Viet Nam, 2012- 2017 (10/23/2017)
   News - Events  -  World Malaria Day 25 April  

World Malaria Day 2024: "Accelerating the fight against malaria for a more equitable world" (04/25/2024)

World Malaria Day, observed annually o­n April 25th, serves to emphasize the global impact of malaria. The theme for this year is "Accelerating the Fight Against Malaria for a More Equitable World," which underscores the existing disparities and inequities in accessing malaria treatment, prevention, and detection services globally and within individual countries. These inequities arise not o­nly from financial constraints but also from attitudes, cultural factors, and the stigma associated with the disease. O­n this page, we feature messages from senior health officials about World Malaria Day 2024.

  World Malaria Day 2023: Time to Deliver Zero Malaria: Invest, Innovate, Implement (04/10/2023)
  Remarks by WHO Viet Nam at the launching ceremony on propagating "World Malaria Day 25 April 2022" in Quy Nhon city (04/25/2022)
  Paris to serve as host city for World Malaria Day 2019 (03/18/2019)
  Launching ceremony on propagating "World Malaria Day 25 April 2017" in Kon Tum province, Vietnam (05/03/2017)
   Collaborative activities  -  National collaboration  

Rally in response to World Malaria Day 25 April 2024 (04/25/2024)

On April 25, in Khanh Vinh District, the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) held a rally to commemorate World Malaria Day (April 25) with the theme "Pooling all efforts to eliminate malaria in Viet Nam". Attendees included Mr. Dinh Van Thieu - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Mrs. Angela Pratt - WHO Representative in Viet Nam, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Health, Khanh Vinh District People's Committee, and other related departments and sectors.

  Deputy Minister of Health: More aggressive interventions focused on malaria hot-spots (03/22/2023)
  The collaborative mission between IMPE-QN and WHO investigates malaria situation in Gia Lai province (05/19/2022)
  ADB-funded project helps develop human resources for medical sector (03/30/2017)
  2016-2030: Road long enough to ending malaria (05/11/2016)
   Collaborative activities  -  International collaboration  

The collaborative mission of IMPE-QN, WHO, and RAI investigates malaria situation in Khanh Hoa province (11/28/2023)

To assess the malaria situation and support malaria response in Khanh Hoa province, where the malaria situation is currently the most complex, a working delegation comprising the Institute of Malaria, Parasitology, and Entomology Quy Nhon (IMPE-QN), the World Health Organization (WHO) Office in Viet Nam, and the Regional Artemisinin Resistance Initiative (RAI) Project visited and worked at the local healthcare units in Khanh Hoa province from November 8th to 9th, 2023.

  IMPE-QN cooperated with Korea's leading universities in Bio-health research and training (11/20/2023)
  IMPE-QN welcomes international units to visit and exchange research cooperation (06/05/2023)
  MOU Signing Ceremony and Joint Scientific Seminar between the Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology and Gyeongsang National University (Republic of Korea) (12/09/2022)
  US Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU-2) visits to and exchanges research cooperation with IMPE-QN (08/16/2022)
   Collaborative activities  -  Malaria control for ethnic minorities  

Towards a malaria-free Viet Nam (07/06/2023)

As Viet Nam approaches elimination, malaria has become rare or non-existent in settled, ethnic majority villages but persists in geographically remote areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. Malaria control is facing a lot of difficulties because of uncontrollable mobilized populations such as forest goers and border crossers. Behavior change of minority groups - to alert populations to need to seek prompt diagnosis and treatment from available services, and to comply with full course of treatment - is challenging and requires persistent efforts using multiple channels with involvement of Commune Health Workers and Community Malaria Action Team members. Here are two typical examples of such engagement in two malaria hotpots of Viet Nam - Lai Chau and Gia Lai.

  Malaria migration breeds new cases in new places (04/04/2017)
  The First Application of Mobile Operator Data in Low- or Middle-Income Countries - Modelling Malaria Parasite Movements Between Zanzibar and the Tanzanian Mainland (10/21/2016)
  TIMELINE-The long road to malaria eradication (06/14/2016)
  Bed net plan for underfed kids curbs malaria death (01/15/2016)
   Collaborative activities  -  Global Funds for Malaria control  

Global Fund pledges to help Viet Nam fight AIDS, TB, malaria (05/10/2023)

On May 10, Peter Sands, the Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, stated that the Fund is dedicated to continuing support for Viet Nam in eradicating these three diseases.

  The Independent Monitoring Panel (IMP) of the RAI3E Programme visits and works at IMPE-QN (06/22/2022)
  Global Fund continues supporting Vietnam (03/09/2017)
  WHO welcomes global health funding for malaria vaccine (11/28/2016)
  Gates Foundation shapes investments to 'accelerate to zero' on malaria (10/25/2016)
   Training  -  Training for medical technicians  

External Competency Assessment of Malaria Microscopists in Quy Nhon City in 2023 (03/17/2023)

Following the External Competency Assessment of Malaria Microscopists (ECAMM) conducted in September 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) Representative Office in Viet Nam continues to support the capacity assessment of laboratory technicians from three institutes of malariology, parasitology and entomology (IMPE) in Ha Noi, Quy Nhon and Ho Chi Minh city. This support was provided from 13 -17 March, 2023 in Quy Nhon city.

  WHO-certified External Competency Assessment for Malaria Microscope (ECAMM) in Viet Nam 2022 (09/12/2022)
  IMPE Quy Nhon organizing the course-ending ceremony and awarding diplomas to the students Course 36 (2013-2015) (09/30/2015)
  32nd anniversary of Vietnamese teachers' day (20 November 1982 - 20 November 2014) and start of Course 37 (2014 - 2016) (12/26/2014)
   Specific research studies  -  Entomology  

Why some people really are ‘mosquito magnets’ and promising new tools in the fight against malaria (05/20/2023)

We know a lot about mosquito preferences up close, but how do mosquitoes find us from up to a hundred meters away? From repellants to app-based mosquito monitoring and a new malaria vaccine, researchers are making important breakthroughs in the fight against the biting insects.

  WHO initiative to stop the spread of Anopheles stephensi in Africa (10/12/2022)
  New frontiers in vector control (04/12/2022)
  Some new discoveries on mosquito (05/27/2019)
  Move over malaria: Mosquitoes carrying Zika, dengue may thrive in warmer Africa (10/17/2017)
   Specific research studies  -  Malariology  

Assessment of drug efficacy of dihydroartemisinine - piperaquine and chloroquine in treatment for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria respectively in Central highland region (06/05/2018)

The parasite resistance to antimalarial drugs in Central highland of Vietnam is an early warning to us that we are losing the most optimal weapons fighting the malaria. The dihydroartemisin plus piperaquine combination and chloroquin, which was listed into the essential antimalarial drugs since 2007 in Vietnam, has been used for 10 years until resistance appears in some Southern, Central of Western highland provinces. The study was conducted to evaluate the first-line drugs' efficacy in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax patients in multicenters;

   Specific research studies  -  Intestinal parasitology  

WHO guideline on control and elimination of human schistosomiasis (02/15/2022)

On 15 February 2022, WHO organized an virtual conference to officially issue Guidelines guideline o­n control and elimination of human schistosomiasis. This is the first WHO guidance o­n the evaluation of interruption of schistosomiasis transmission. This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations to support countries in morbidity control and elimination of the disease as a public health problem, and to move towards interruption of transmission.

  Part 5: Latest research studies on Toxocariasis in man (06/24/2019)
  Part 4: Latest research studies on Toxocariasis in man (06/21/2019)
  Part 3: Latest research studies on Toxocariasis in man (06/20/2019)
  Part 2: Latest research studies on Toxocariasis in man (06/18/2019)
   Specific research studies  -  Molecular - biology  

Largest study of malaria gene function reveals many potential drug targets (07/24/2017)

Scientists discover that two thirds of the malaria parasite's genes are essential for normal growth, meaning there are many more possible drug targets than previously thought.

  Malaria molecule makes blood extra-alluring to mosquitoes (02/23/2017)
  Genetic markers predict malaria treatment failure (11/28/2016)
  UT Scientists Identify Bacterial Genes that Could Lessen Severity of Malaria (11/03/2016)
  Genome technology boosts malaria control efforts (07/14/2016)
   Publications  -  Published scientific research studies  

WHO Global Malaria Programme introduces new operational strategy (04/24/2024)

Ahead of World Malaria Day, the WHO Global Malaria Programme published a new operational strategy outlining its priorities and key activities up to 2030 to help change the trajectory of malaria trends, with a view to achieving the global malaria targets. The strategy outlines 4 strategic objectives where WHO will focus its efforts, including developing norms and standards, introducing new tools and innovation, promoting strategic information for impact, and providing technical leadership of the global malaria response.

  Part 4: Updated publications on evolutionary history of parasites (06/24/2019)
  Part 3: Updated publications on evolutionary history of parasites (06/20/2019)
  Part 2: Updated publications on evolutionary history of parasites (06/18/2019)
  Part 1: Updated publications on evolutionary history of parasites (06/15/2019)
   Publications  -  Journal of Practical Medicine  

Updated research studies on malaria elimination in the world and Vietnam within the last 10 years (05/02/2019)

Diagnostic capacity, and predictive values of rapid diagnostic tests for accurate diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum in febrile children in Asante-Akim, Ghana; Mitochondrial gene sequence variants in children with severe malaria anaemia with or without lactic acidosis: a case control study; etc.

  Updated information on malaria research (02/13/2019)
  Collection of in-depth studies on opportunistic parasitic diseases in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients (09/29/2017)
  Collection of research publications on malaria and drug resistant Plasmodium vivax malaria (08/30/2017)
  Collection of scientific researches of foodborne parasitic diseases (06/30/2017)
   Mass organization activities  -  Communist Party  

17th Congress of the IMPE-QN Communist Party Committee, the term 2015-2020 (05/19/2015)

The Party Congress of the Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology Quy Nhon (IMPE-QN) was held o­n 24 April 2015 with the attendances of comrade Nguyen Ba Tra, Secretary of Party Committee of Provincial Agencies Block (PAC); comrade Le Binh Thanh, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of PAC; comrade Nguyen Huu Loc, Chairman of Party Inspection Committee; comrade Nguyen Van Minh, Head of Propaganda and Instruction Committee, and the Executive Committee of the Institute Communist Party Committee and all Party members of IMPE-QN.

   Mass organization activities  -  Trade Union  

15th Congress of the IMPE-QN Trade Union, the term 2017-2022 takes place with great success (08/23/2017)

The Trade Union Congress of the Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology Quy Nhon (IMPE-QN) was held o­n 17 September 2017 with the attendances of Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Van Chuong- Director of IMPE-QN, Dr. Tran Thi Bich Hang- Chairwoman of Vietnam National Union of Health Workers, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Minh Tam, Vice-Chairwoman of Binh Dinh Provincial Union of Health Workers, Mr. Vu Ba Toan, Deputy Director and Chairman of Quy Hoa National Leprosy Dermatology Hospital and 154 unionists of IMPE-QN.

  The Institute Youth Union provides voluntary medical exammination and free medicine distribution for the poor in "Pink Holiday" 2017 (08/08/2017)
  Launching event of voluntary blood donation at IMPE-Quy Nhon (07/07/2014)
  2013 mass performance festival of health sector- region VII (01/10/2014)
  The IMPE-QN celebrates and launches the patriotic movements on the occasion of the 58th Vietnam Doctors' Day (03/13/2013)
   Mass organization activities  -  Ho Chi Minh Youth Union  

The Institute Youth Union participates in the "Red Journey - Connecting Vietnamese bloodstream" in 2017 (08/07/2017)

Continuing the success of previous years, this year's 5th Red Journey- Connecting Vietnamese bloodstream was held in July in 28 provinces and cities across the country, including Binh Dinh province, starting from 01 July in Cape Ca Mau and ending in Hanoi capital.

  The Institute Youth Union organising voluntary medical exammination and free medicine distribution for the people of Hai Giang hamlet, Nhon Hai commune, Quy Nhon city (03/28/2014)
  The Institute Youth Union gives voluntary medical examination and treatment in Van Canh district, Binh Dinh province (04/12/2013)
   Malariology  -  Epidemiology  

Latest Drug-resistant Malaria in Mekong Region May Skirt (11/26/2017)

Som Aun contracted malaria after moving to the Thma Baing district of Cambodia's Koh Kong province in 2002. Four years later, two of his children contracted the disease.

  Antimalarial drug resistance in the Greater Mekong Subregion: How concerned should we be? (10/25/2017)
  India's first case of quadruple malaria reported in Chhattisgarh (09/25/2017)
  As Warming Brings More Malaria, Kenya Moves Treatment Closer to Home (08/15/2017)
  Male farmers at highest risk of contracting monkey malaria in Malaysia (07/07/2017)
   Malariology  -  Diagnosis and Treament  

Africa: Study Links Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests to More Antibiotic Prescriptions and Finds Ignored Results (09/20/2017)

Scientists find curbing the overuse of antimalarial drugs often replaced by overuse of antibiotics instead; study also reveals puzzling cases of malaria patients testing positive yet going untreated.

  Malaria: Study On Its Growth & Escape In Red Blood Cells Towards Development Of New Treatment (03/28/2017)
  Malaria parasite evades rapid test detection in children (02/23/2017)
  New, rapid diagnostic test for malaria wins $100,000 Grand Challenges Explorations grant (11/28/2016)
  Scientists Find Clue to Track Resistance to Malaria Drug (11/10/2016)
   Malariology  -  Antimalarial drugs and drug resistant parasites  

Assessment of prescribe pattern of health staff and patient’s compliance to Primaquin therapy in plasmodium vivax malaria in some Central Highland provinces of Viet Nam 2016 (12/14/2017)

Primaquine, an 8-aminoquinoline drug capable of clearing the intra-hepatic schizonts, hypnozoites of Plasmodium vivax, and holds a unique and unreplaceable radical cure, but the non-compliance with 14 day-course primaquine regimen is a big problem now.

  Alarm as 'super malaria' spreads in South East Asia (09/26/2017)
  Drug-resistant malaria strain spreads in Viet Nam (02/15/2017)
  Long-acting malaria pill a step closer (11/28/2016)
  Timor veterans condemn ADF inquiry clearing military of wrongdoing in anti-malaria drug trial (10/17/2016)
   Malariology  -  Malaria Vaccines  

New malaria vaccine effective in clinical trial (02/23/2017)

Researchers have demonstrated in a clinical trial that a new vaccine for malaria has been up to 100 percent effective when assessed at 10 weeks after last dose of vaccine.

  Scientists devise novel way to predict efficacy of malaria vaccines (02/23/2017)
  Effects of malaria vaccine fade over time, research shows (07/14/2016)
  Researchers make a key discovery in how malaria evades the immune system (06/17/2016)
  New malaria vaccine generates robust immune response (03/02/2016)
   Malariology  -  Molecular - biology  

Artemisinins resistance molecular markers in falciparum malaria in some sentinel site of Central Highland Vietnam (12/06/2017)

Malaria is a vector-borne disease by far the world's most important tropical parasitic disease with high mortality and morbidity, especially in tropical Africa and South East Asia. The emergence of artemisinin resistance in Vietnam as big obstacle to reduce the malaria burden and elimination.

   Helminthology  -  Platyhelminthes  

WHO's update on Dracunculiasis (guinea-worm disease), May 2016 (06/02/2016)

Dracunculiasis (commonly known as guinea-worm disease) is a crippling parasitic disease caused by Dracunculus medinensis- a long, thread-like worm. It is transmitted exclusively when people drink stagnant water contaminated with parasite-infected water fleas.

  Updated information about Schistosomiasis (03/01/2016)
  10 facts about schistosomiasis (02/24/2016)
  Intestinal helminth infections and these diseases control activities in Vietnam (08/27/2015)
  Deworming campaign improves child health, school attendance in Rwanda (07/20/2015)
   Other vector-borne diseases  -  Dengue fever/ Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever  

Dengue and spring diseases in the the first three months of the year (02/19/2019)

Health experts are advising people to take precautions to prevent epidemics and diseases that frequently occur in the first three months of the year during the humid weather and crowded festivals, said Tran Dac Phu, head of the Ministry of Health's Department of Preventive Medicine.

  Marburg virus disease, updated October 2017 (11/26/2017)
  Vietnam plans to release more anti-dengue mosquitoes into wild (09/20/2017)
  Hanoi: new dengue fever cases drop after Health Minister urges stronger control of dengue fever (08/28/2017)
  PM issues notice to prompt drastic measures against dengue (08/07/2017)
  The Provincial Malaria Control Centre of Dak Lak (12/17/2012)
  The Provincial Centre of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology of Kon Tum (12/17/2012)
  The Provincial Centre of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology of Gia Lai (12/17/2012)
  The Provincial Malaria - Goiter Control Centre of Binh Thuan (12/14/2012)
  The Provincial Centre of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology of Ninh Thuan (12/14/2012)
  The Provincial Center of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology of Khanh Hoa (12/14/2012)
  The Centre for Preventive Medicine of Phu Yen (12/14/2012)
  Binh Dinh Center for the Prevention of Malaria and Endocrinology (12/14/2012)
  The Provincial Malaria Control Centre of Quang Ngai (12/14/2012)
Under Authorized Units
  Western Highlands
   •  Gia Lai
   •  Kon Tum
   •  Dak Lak
   •  Dak Nong
  Central Coast
   •  Quang Binh
   •  Quang Tri
   •  Thua Thien - Hue
   •  Da Nang
   •  Quang Nam
   •  Quang Ngai
   •  Binh Dinh
   •  Phu Yen
   •  Khanh Hoa
   •  Ninh Thuan
   •  Binh Thuan


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Institue of Malariology Parastology and Entomology Quy Nhon
Address: 611B Nguyen Thai Hoc Str,. Quy Nhon City
Tel: (84) 056 846571 Fax: (84) 056 846755
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