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Một số thông tin về đăng ký Hội nghị nghiên cứu và vaccine bệnh truyền nhiễm quốc tế

Influenza Research & Development Conference

If you can't view this page, please visit: http://www.gtcbio.com/newsletter/flu14I-w.htm BCBD-236

 We wanted to let you know that the 10% early registration discount is ending o­n June 9th.  Attend the 3rd Annual Influenza Research & Development Conference, to be held in Boston, MA o­n July 9-11, 2014 which features keynote presentations by Robert Webster, Chair of Infectious Diseases at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and Arnold S. Monto, Professor of Epidemiology at the School of Public Health, University of Michigan.

Dr. Robert Webster will give the keynote presentation, "The Continued Threat of H5N1, H7N9 and H9N2 Influenza Viruses to a o­ne World System." His talk will discuss the importance of avian H9N2 influenza viruses in the genesis of both H5N1 and H7N9 as the potential "enabler" of avian influenza viruses. This will provide insight into the relevance of H9N2 and the continuing emergence of novel viruses including H10N8.

Conference highlights also include a joint session o­n the "Development of Influenza Vaccines" with the 12th Vaccines Research & Development Conference, and a panel discussion o­n "Balancing Science and the First Amendment."

The 3rd Annual Influenza Research & Development Conference is part of the annual Infectious Diseases World Summit, which includes two other concurrent meetings:

             11th Annual Anti-Infectives Partnering & Deal-Making Conference

             12th Vaccines Research & Development Conference


Sign up by June 9th, 2014 to receive a 10% early registration discount!
With 3 co-located conferences, we encourage you to register your team for the Infectious Diseases Summit and take advantage of all the presentations!

Group Registration:

Sign up 3 people for the price of 2. Use discount code: rcdvb.

Individual Registration:

Register for the Infectious Diseases World Summit and get access to all 3 conferences.

Register only for the 12th Vaccines Research & Development Conference.

Register only for the 11th Anti-Infectives Partnering & Deal-Making Conference.

Register only for the 3rd Influenza Research & Development Conference.


To be considered for an oral presentation, please submit an abstract by June 9, 2014. Selected presentations will be based o­n quality of abstract and availability.


Robert G. Webster, Rose Marie Thomas Chair, Infectious Diseases, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - KEYNOTE SPEAKER

Arnold S. Monto, Thomas Francis Jr. Collegiate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan - KEYNOTE SPEAKER

Kathleen Coelingh, Senior Director, Scientific Affairs, Medimmune - FEATURED SPEAKER

Michael W. Deem, John W. Cox Professor, Rice University - FEATURED SPEAKER

Shan Lu, Professor, Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School - FEATURED PEAKER

Katarina Radosevic, Vice President Immunology and Proof of Concept, Head Vaccine Discovery, Crucell Vaccine Institute, Janssen Center of Excellence for Immunoprophylaxis - FEATURED SPEAKER

S. Mark Tompkins, Associate Professor, Influenza Pathogenesis & Immunology Research Center, University of Georgia - FEATURED SPEAKER

Lynda Tussey, Vice President, Research and Development, Vaxinnate - FEATURED SPEAKER

Dan Adams, Executive Chairman & Global Head of Business Development, Protein Sciences

Pamuk Bilsel, Vice President Research and Development, Flugen

Campbell Bunce, R&D Director, Immune Targeting Systems (ITS)

Weisan Chen, Professor, Biochemistry, School of Molecular Science, La Trobe University

Francisco Diaz-Mitoma, Chief Executive Officer and Scientific Director, The Advanced Medical Research Institute of Canada (AMRIC)

Susan Ehrlich, Judge, Arizona Court of Appeals

John Harty, Professor of Microbiology, Professor of Pathology, Mark Stinski Chair in Microbial Immunology, University of Iowa

Scott Hensley, Assistant Professor, The Wistar Institute

Michael J. Imperiale, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Microbiology and Immunology; Director, Doctoral Program in Cancer Biology, University of Michigan

Janet McElhaney, Senior Scientist, The Advanced Medical Research Institute of Canada (AMRIC)
Kai McKinstry, Instructor, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Dennis W. Metzger, Professor, Theobald Smith Alumni Chair, and Director, Center for Immunology and Microbial Disease, Albany Medical College

Emanuele Montomoli, Professor of Public Health, Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine, University of Siena

Ab Osterhaus, Head of the Institute of Virology, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Kevin Outterson, Professor, Boston University

Andrea Sant, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Rochester Medical School

David H. Smith Center for Vaccine Biology and Immunology

Hergen Spits, Professor of Cell Biology, University of Amsterdam

Pirada Suphaphiphat, Research Investigator, Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics

David J. Topham, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Rochester Medical Center

Merika Treants, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington

Ralph Tripp, Professor and Georgia Research Alliance Chair in Vaccine and Therapeutic Studies; Co-Director, Biomedical Health Sciences Institute, and Co-Director, Center of Molecular Medicine, University of Georgia

GTC offers comprehensive sponsorship packages for all our meetings, including presentation opportunities, exhibit and booth space, as well as the event delegate list. All our packages can be customized to meet your company's budget. For more information, please contact
Amber Kempf
at 626-256-6405 x110 or spex@gtcbio.com


Nucleic Acid Summit 2014 | June 19-20, 2014 | San Diego, CA

             4th Next Generation Sequencing

             Bioinformatics & Pharmacogenomics: Managing and Analyzing Big Data

             Non-Coding RNAs and RNAi Research & Therapeutics

             Nucleic Acid Research & Discovery

Novel Cancer Therapeutics Summit 2014 | July 7-8, 2014 | Boston, MA

10% discount by June 7, 2014

5th Cancer Targets & Therapeutics

3rd o­ncology Partnering & Deal-Making

CNS Diseases World Summit 2014 | September 18-19, 2014 | San Francisco, CA

20% discount by July 18, 2014

8th Neurodegenerative Conditions Research & Development

7th CNS Partnering & Deal-Making

5th Biobased Chemicals: Commercialization & Partnering | September 18-19, 2014 | San Francisco, CA

20% discount by July 18, 2014

Drug Discovery Week Europe 2014 | October 7-10, 2014 | Dublin, Ireland
Technologies in Drug Discovery Summit | October 7-8, 2014

20% discount by August 7, 2014

9th Cell Based Assays & Screening Technology

7th Imaging in Drug Discovery

2014 Biomarker Summit Europe | October 9-10, 2014

20% discount by August 9, 2014

8th Biomarker in Drug Discovery & Development

3rd Biomarker in Diagnostics

Protein Discovery Summit 2014 | October 23-24, 2014 | Boston, MA

10% discount by August 23, 2014

2nd Antibody & Protein Therapeutics

2nd Protein Expression, Purification & Characterization

2nd Protein-Protein Interaction

3rd Protein Kinases & Drug Design

Adult Vaccination


International Society for Infectious Diseases and Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change

The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) and Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change (IGL&C) are collaborating to offer a new grant opportunity in the area of adult vaccination. ISID and Pfizer's goal is to decrease health disparities by supporting projects increasing access to or use of vaccinations by adults either individually or by population in low-and middle-income countries.

ISID is a non-profit organization with more than 50,000 members worldwide committed to improving the care of patients with infectious diseases, the training of clinicians and researchers in infectious diseases and microbiology, and the control of infectious diseases around the world.

Pfizer's IGL&C provides independent grant support to individuals and organizations to accelerate the adoption of evidence-based innovations.

Both organizations will issue a request for proposals (RFP). ISID will oversee the grant application and evaluation process and the proposal review committee that will make funding decisions. Individual grants requesting up to $300,000(USD) will be considered (see the full RFP for eligibility and size of awards). A total of $1 million(USD) is available.

Grant proposals may be submitted from anywhere in the world, including the United States and Europe, but the proposals should have a focus o­n the geographic areas representing low- and middle- income countries, as described in the World Bank list of economies.

Clinical Area: Adult Immunization

Letter of Intent due date: July 18, 2014

The full text of this RFP can be found at www.isid.org/grants/grant_immunization.shtml or at www.pfizer.com/independentgrants  


Ngày 09/06/2014
PGS.TS. Triệu Nguyên Trung và Ths.Bs. Huỳnh Hồng Quang  


   Dịch vụ khám chữa bệnh chuyên khoa của Viện Sốt rét-KST-CT Quy Nhơn khám bệnh tất cả các ngày trong tuần (kể cả thứ 7 và chủ nhật)

   Viện Sốt rét-KST-CT Quy Nhơn triển khai Dịch vụ khám bệnh, chữa bệnh theo yêu cầu với phương châm “Nỗ lực hết mình vì người bệnh”


Trang tin điện tử Viện Sốt rét - Ký Sinh trùng - Côn trùng Quy Nhơn
Giấy phép thiết lập số 53/GP - BC do Bộ văn hóa thông tin cấp ngày 24/4/2005
Địa chỉ: Khu vực 8-Phường Nhơn Phú-Thành phố Quy Nhơn-Tỉnh Bình Định.
Tel: (84) 0256.3846.892 - Fax: (84) 0256.3647464
Email: impequynhon.org.vn@gmail.com
Trưởng Ban biên tập: TTND.PGS.TS. Hồ Văn Hoàng-Viện trưởng
Phó Trưởng ban biên tập: TS.BS.Huỳnh Hồng Quang-Phó Viện trưởng
• Thiết kế bởi công ty cổ phần phần mềm: Quảng Ích