UC San Francisco (UCSF) is working to create an online platform that health workers around the world can use to predict where malaria is likely to be transmitted using data on Google Earth Engine.
Binh Dinh is one of the nine provinces reporting decreased malaria morbidity cases in the central coastal area and West Highlands, but the persistence of the disease remains a main worry.
Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE: - Ministers of Health from Malaria-Endemic Countries have adopted the Victoria Falls Declaration in which they commit to eliminate and expand malaria control to hard-to-reach migrant and mobile communities.
The worldwide air travel network has expanded at an exceptional rate over the past century. International passenger numbers are projected to rise from 1.11 billion in 2011 to 1.45 billion by 2016, with an annual growth rate of 5.3%. Today, there are 35,000 direct scheduled routes on the air travel network, with 865 new routes established in 2011.