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 Collaborative activities Malaria control for ethnic minorities
Roles of Civil-Army health committee at communes, wards and townships levels in caring and protecting the people

The Civil-Army health cooperation at the grassroots localities in the recent years has achieved good results in the duty of caring and protecting soldiers and population in the garrisoning area, especially as natural disasters, floods, epidemics occuring. The Civil-Army medical committees at provinces, cities, districts levels have proved their ablility in the past time, so should civil-army committee be established in communes, wards and townships?

According to the Joint Circular No. 08/2005/TTLT-BYT-BQP dated o­n March 16, 2005 by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of National Defence o­n the guidance to implement the Instruction No. 25/2004/CT-TTg o­n June 29, 2004 of the Prime Minister o­n strengthening the Civil-Army health cooperation in caring and protecting the people's and soldiers' health, not o­nly are there the Civil-Army medical committees at ministry, military district, province, city and district level but are also at commune, ward and township levels.

The Civil-Army medical committees were established at the severely-hit, deep-lying and remote areas where army health stations were garrisoned by the decision of the president of the People's Committee of commune, ward or town according to suggestion of the head of health station, the commander of military unit stationed in these areas with the written consent of the Chief of the Health Department of districts, county towns or cities.

The component of a Civil-Army medical committee includes the Head - often is the vice president of the People's Committee of commune, ward, or town in charge of social culture; 2 Vice-Heads - o­ne is Head of health station and o­ne is deputy commander or logistic head of military unit stationed at commune/ward/town.The members of the committee include officials responsible for the borderguard army health sector of army units garrisoned in the area and communal medical workers.

The Civil-Army medical committees at communes/wards/towns have to coordinate with the health forces of these areas and the army health stations in the area in the health care and protection of soldiers and people; besides, carry out the contents of national health programs such as strengthening grassroots health, expanded vaccination, hygiene and disease prevention, propaganda of population, family and children, malaria control, prevention of disorders caused by iodine deficiency ...

In the communes with weak health care network, Heads of the District Health Department and the Communal People's Committee could direct the Civil-Army medical committee to integrate health station with military medicine of army unit into Civil-Army medical station which is considered as a functional unit of the communal Civil-Army medical committee to accomplish the tasks of medical examination, treatment and health care for people in the commune.

The funding for the regular operations of the Army-Civil Medical Committee of communes, wards and townships is deducted from the State's annual budget for health care at communes, wards and townships.

So, in order to promote the effectiveness of the Civil-Army health cooperation project, o­ne of the projects of the National Program for preventing several social diseases, dangerous epidemics and HIV / AIDS, apart from strengthening the activities of the Civil-Army medical committees in provinces, cities, county towns and districts, the consolidation and development of the operations of the Civil-Army medical committees at communes, wards and towns should also be of special concern, especially in the severely-hit, outreached and border areas. All concerns are directed at the areas with more difficulties for the sake of soldiers' and people's health.


(Translated by Huynh Thi An Khang and Tran Minh Quy)  


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